ENDNEL2s&­ÿÿÿÿ ´¤ AB: AbstractAF: Affiliation'AN: Accession Number AU: AuthorCA: Corporate AuthorCL: ClassificationCP: Country of Publication CY: CopyrightDE: DescriptorsDN: Database Name/DO: DOI+EA: Email Address' ED: EditorEI: Electronic ISSNEM: Entry MonthER: Environmental RegimeFC: Format Covered FE: FeaturesID: IdentifiersIS: ISSNJI: Journal IssueJP: Journal PagesJV: Journal Volume LA: Language2 NT: NotesOT: Original Title. PB: PublisherPT: Publication TypePY: Publication YearRE: References SH: Shelfmark SO: Source ) --; VOL ; NUMBER ; pp. ;   SO: Source & --; VOL ; NUMBER ; pp. ;  SO: Source $; VOL ; NUMBER ; pp. ;   SO: Source !; VOL ; NUMBER ; pp. ;  SO: Source  --; VOL ; pp. ;   SO: Source  --; VOL ; pp. ;  SO: Source ; VOL ; pp. ;   SO: Source ; VOL ; pp. ;  SO: Source ! --; NUMBER ; pp. ;   SO: Source  --; NUMBER ; pp. ;  SO: Source ; NUMBER ; pp. ;   SO: Source ; NUMBER ; pp. ;  SO: Source!, vol.  no. , pp. ,   SO: Source, vol.  no. , pp. ,  SO: Source, no. , pp. ,   SO: Source, no. , pp. ,  SO: Source, vol. , pp. ,   SO: Source, vol. , pp. ,  TI: Title  UD: UpdatePT: Publication Type`Book` AB: AbstractAF: Affiliation'AN: Accession Number AU: AuthorCA: Corporate AuthorCL: ClassificationCP: Country of Publication CY: CopyrightDE: DescriptorsDN: Database Name/DO: DOI+EA: Email Address'IB: ISBNID: IdentifiersIS: ISSNJI: Journal IssueJP: Journal PagesJV: Journal Volume LA: Language2 NT: NotesOT: Original Title. PB: Publisher PL: Publisher Location PT: Publication TypePY: Publication YearRE: References SH: Shelfmark SO: Source |.  pp. TI: Title  UD: UpdateÐDD DDDby HD*ed. version. version [ ] edition. edition HDDDScale DDDSSL L!L"L#L$L%L&L'DDJournal Article (aja) D D D DDDLSJournal Article Book HHH D…‚‚‚ ‚ ‚ ‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚; ,  Record # of # SO: Source ‚  … IBSS (CSA)CSADOWNLOAD INSTRUCTIONS From the CSA search results screen, click on 'Save/Print/Email'. On the "Save/Print/Email" screen, choose "Full Format" and none other. Click the 'Save' button. Your web browser will ask you where to save the file. If your web browser gives you the option to save in different file formats, be sure to save as a "Text Only (*.txt)" file. You may also click Print Preview, then copy and paste the data into a text file. LIMITATIONS 1. Due to ambiguous source data some editing may be necessary after importing.2DN: Database NameCSA Social Services Abstracts